Discover Our Expert Massage Therapists at Rincon Chiropractic


At Rincon Chiropractic, we excel at offering comprehensive, patient-centered care, focusing on treating not just symptoms but the underlying causes of ailments. Our experienced team of practitioners, with their diverse expertise in chiropractic care, massage therapy, and acupuncture, employ evidence-based methods tailored to individual needs. Our wide array of services extend beyond traditional chiropractic adjustments to holistic healing journeys, empowered by services like posture analysis, exercise therapy, and nutrition advice. With a warm, welcoming environment from the front desk to the treatment room, Rincon Chiropractic stands as a sanctuary for those seeking a path towards better health and wellness in the heart of San Francisco.


Michelle Schneider LMT

Michelle Schneider

Massage Therapist

Michelle offers customized sessions to help her clients relax and relieve stress. Her goal is to provide a mini-vacation experience, and she specializes in several types of massage, including Esalen MassageSwedish, Deep Tissue, Prenatal, Hot Stone, and Chair Massage.

Felipe Ramirez LMT

Felipe Ramirez

Massage Therapist

Felipe has 20 plus years of experience and a strong education background in massage. He specializes in various types of massage, including Sports Massage, Deep TissueSwedish, Reflexology, Prenatal Massage, Thai Massage, Aromatherapy, Hot Stone, and Rehabilitative work.

Noy Lunsford LMT

Noy Lunsford

Massage Therapist

Noy specializes in traditional Thai massage, incorporating acupressure and yoga postures to stretch and relax tired muscles. She has been practicing since 2010 and is also trained in Deep Tissue MassageSwedish, Aromatherapy, and Hot Stone Massage.

Macaulay Nwachukwu LMT

Macaulay Nwachukwu

Massage Therapist

Mac is an experienced massage therapist who studied at the San Francisco School of Massage and Bodywork. He specializes in therapeutic Deep Tissue MassageSwedish, Trigger Point Therapy, Myofascial Release, sports massage, and neuromuscular work, and creates personalized treatments based on his clients’ needs to promote healing through massage and exercise.

Ryan Sakai LMT

Ryan Sakai

Massage Therapist

Ryan is a massage therapist who has been practicing professionally since 2012, specializing in Swedish Massage, Deep TissueMyofascial Release, Trigger Point therapy, and Chair Massage. He received his training from the San Francisco School of Massage and Bodywork, and continues to expand his knowledge through workshops and courses.

M Kim-Miller - Massage Therapist

M Kim-Miller

Massage Therapist

M Kim-Miller is a certified massage therapist who is passionate about taking people to a meditative state through massage therapy to improve the mind-body connection.  M specializes in various types of massage, including Swedish, Deep Tissue, Myofascial Release, Shiatsu, Acupressure, and Sports Massage.


90-Minute Massage


Immerse in a deeply relaxing and thorough 90-minute massage session tailored to address your specific muscle tensions and promote overall wellness.

60-Minute Massage

Most Popular


Experience a rejuvenating 60-minute massage designed to alleviate stress and muscle tightness, enhancing your body’s natural healing capabilities.

45-Minute Massage


Enjoy a quick 45-minute massage break to focus on targeted areas, providing relief and relaxation amidst a busy schedule. Relax and take a well-deserved break.

30-Minute Massage


Opt for a 30-minute massage, a perfect pick-me-up to relieve specific tensions and invigorate your body.

60-Minute Prenatal Massage


Embrace the nurturing touch of a 60-minute prenatal massage, crafted to provide comfort and alleviate pregnancy-induced discomforts.


Map For Rincon Chiropractic


Monday / 8:00a – 7:00p
Tuesday / 9:00a – 5:00p
Wednesday / 9:00a – 6:00p
Thursday / 10:00a – 7:00p
Friday / 8:00a – 7:00p
Saturday / 8:00a – 7:00p
Sunday / 11:00a – 7:00p

San Francisco

180 Howard St.
Suite G4
San Francisco, CA 94105


Therapy TypeDescriptionBenefitsPractitioner(s)
SwedishGentle, long, gliding strokes.Relaxation, stress relief.Michelle, Felipe, Noy, Ryan, Macaulay, M Kim-Miller
Deep Tissue MassageTargets deeper layers of muscle.Chronic pain relief, muscle tension release.Michelle, Felipe, Noy, Ryan, Macaulay, M Kim-Miller
Myofascial ReleaseGentle, sustained pressure on fascia.Relieves tension, restores motion.Ryan, Macaulay, M Kim-Miller
Sports MassageTargets specific muscle groups.Enhances performance, aids recovery.Felipe, Macaulay, M Kim-Miller
Thai MassageIncorporates acupressure and yoga postures.Stretches and relaxes muscles.Noy, Felipe
Hot Stone MassageUses heated stones.Eases muscle stiffness, increases circulation.Michelle, Noy, Felipe
Prenatal MassageTailored for pregnancy.Alleviates pregnancy discomfort and enhances relaxation.Michelle, Felipe
ReflexologyPressure on reflex points.Promotes healing and relaxation.Felipe
Trigger PointFocuses on tight muscle fibers.Alleviates muscle knots and pain.Macaulay, Ryan
AromatherapyUses essential oils.Enhances mood, reduces stress.Felipe, Noy
ShiatsuApplies pressure using fingers, thumbs.Promotes relaxation, stress relief.M Kim-Miller
AcupressurePressure is applied to acupoints.Promotes relaxation and alleviates pain.M Kim-Miller
Rehabilitative MassageRehabilitates injuries.Speeds up recovery and restores function.Felipe
NeuromuscularAddresses neuromuscular issues.Reduces pain, improves neuromuscular function.Macaulay
Esalen MassageIntegrates body, mind, and spirit.Deep relaxation and holistic healing.Michelle
If you are unsure about what will be most effective for you, we recommend speaking to your massage therapist to discuss what you’re looking to accomplish. They can help guide you to the most effective techniques at their disposal to help you get the most out of your massage therapy journey.


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